Friday, March 18, 2016

A Fresh Morning

Mornings are the best time, in my opinion. The light of a new day holds so many possibilities. Even the sounds sing hope! Birds chirping, the sun peeking out to greet you and the stillness that surrounds the sunrise. It's a time to reflect on new opportunities, letting go of yesterdays hurts, disappointments, overwhelming schedules and looking ahead to new beginnings. A brand new pencil on an empty page. After all it's our story!
New days are unique gifts that the Father lavishes upon us  which empowers us with fresh strength and brand-new thoughts. They create opportunities for us to change something in our lives. A chance to heal, a chance to love and a chance to forgive.  Don't be afraid to embrace it, my beloved. Rise up and move forward, let yesterday go and start today like it's the very first day of your life!

How is life treating you? Frazzled? For me some days seem to suck the life right out of my lungs. Those days I feel physically and emotionally depleted. Or should I dare to say, done for! Like being ran over by a herd of elephants! Running my own business, heading up a ministry, being a wife and a mother, taxi driver and all the above, can definitely be too much to deal with at times. I become cranky and frustrated with the many demands that my life consist of day after day. Somedays it becomes so overwhelming that it's difficult to be grateful and satisfied.

In fact, there are days I find it hard to even think about having to wake up in the morning and doing it all again. Can I get an amen or is it just me?!? I call this, "Groundhog Day." You remember the 1993 movie where Bill Murray is caught in a personal time warp on the worst day of his life. He wakes each morning with the same day over and over again. Do you ever have deja vu?? Sound familiar, friends? Well, the good news is, that we don't have to have a repeat of the day before! You don't have to relive groundhog day beacause our  joy comes in the morning.

 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Life can be tough. no doubt! Days can be long and difficult. Things go wrong but things will always get better. You may be in a storm right now but it can't rain forever. Let those times of hardship help you to appreciate the good times and look forward to a new day. A fresh start. God is there waiting to meet with you. So don't start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. It's time to let go, renew your thoughts and look ahead to greater things. Let's get excited about today, it's our brand new day! Together we can learn more about ourselves, more about others. We can laugh more than we did yesterday. Accomplish more than we ever thought possible and be more than we were before! We are tougher than we ever imagined we could be.

So shine on, you beautiful daughters! Shine On........ Today is your new day!

 His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23


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